
College of Health and Human Services

Student Ambassadors


Student Ambassadors

Breanna Fulk

Major: Medical Laboratory Sciences

Expected Graduation Date: 2026

Email: fulkb@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: Antwerp, Ohio

我想和其他在卫生和公共服务部门工作的人谈谈,看看还有什么其他专业. I also joined because I would love to see more students joining. BGSU is a great campus, and there is help at every corner if you know where to look for it. 我只是想帮助潜在的学生和归国的学生规划他们的大学之旅.

My hobbies are reading, going to the gym, shopping, and hanging out with friends and family. Also, a hobby of mine is watching anything science or history related. My major is medical laboratory science, and I chose this major because I wanted to work in the lab and work with specimens.

Morgan Guggenbiller

Major: Applied Health Science (Pre-Med)

Expected Graduation Date: May 2025

Email: mguggen@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: Maria Stein, Ohio

我参加了大使项目,希望能帮助现在和未来的学生顺利完成申请过程,以及选择哪些课程, 但也能够分享我的见解,作为一个HHS学生在BGSU这里已经受益于我的方式.

应用健康科学学位之所以吸引我,是因为它需要在科学之外的辅助性课程. These include aging, administrative, disease-related, and wellness courses. 我觉得这些课程更适合我在医疗领域工作,让我深入了解医疗体系及其运作方式. After obtaining my undergraduate degree, I plan to attend an Osteopathic Medical School to become a primary care physician. Outside of school, I enjoy walking, golfing, cooking and being with friends and family.

Isabelle Kennedy

Major: Dietetics

Expected Graduation Date: May 2025

Email: isakenn@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: Columbus, Ohio

The HHS College is full of wonderful staff that have helped me through my undergraduate career. 他们为我提供了有用的信息和实践经验,帮助我找到了我对医疗保健的热情. 我一听说卫生与公众服务部的大使项目,就立即加入了,因为能够帮助这所大学里的其他人找到他们的激情是我所追求的. 这是一个很棒的项目,到目前为止,我已经能够帮助这么多未来和现在的学生!

I love to read, crochet, and discover new music! These hobbies bring me a lot of joy as well as working in dietetics. I have always known that healthcare would be in my future, but there are so many avenues that became very overwhelming as I got to college. With all of the amazing experiences I have had within HHS, I was able to find my love for dietetics. There are so many career paths within dietetics and I cannot wait to see where this program takes me!

Kendra Kern

Major: Applied Health Science

Expected Graduation Date: April 2024

Email: kmkern@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: Troy, Ohio


我选择我的专业是因为它让我在选课时有灵活性,并且让我有机会学习许多不同的医疗保健领域. My goal is to attend graduate school so that I can become a physical therapist. Outside of school, I enjoy hiking and swimming.

Reagan Masterson

Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders

Expected Graduation Date: 2027

Email: masterr@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: North Ridgeville, Ohio

我加入了学生大使计划,以帮助学生更多地了解鲍灵格林和它所提供的东西,并向其他人介绍卫生学院 & Human Services.

My goal is to become a Speech Pathologist.  我从小就一直想帮助别人,直到高中我才真正下定决心博天堂官方网站语言病理学.

Abigail Meighen

Major: Medical Laboratory Science

Expected Graduation Date: 2026

Email: axmeigh@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: Canal Fulton, Ohio


Piper Nelson

Major: Social Work and Criminal Justice

Expected Graduation Date: August 2024

Email: pipergn@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: Brunswick, Ohio

我参加了大使项目,因为我喜欢卫生与人类服务学院,我想与有远见的学生分享这种爱! There is so much this College has to offer such as student organizations, research opportunities, and field work, and it makes me so happy to get to share that information with everyone.

我决定主修社会工作和刑事司法,因为我对法律和政策与人权和需求的交叉方式非常感兴趣. I hope to work in macro-level social work with policy, potentially within the criminal justice system. On top of my two majors, 作为音乐剧学生组织的主席,我在BGSU的戏剧系非常活跃. I also work at both Starbucks in the Student Union and the Police Integrity Research Lab. Outside of BGSU, I love reading, crocheting, and hanging out with the people I love most!

Lucie Nichols

Major: Dietetics

Expected Graduation Date: 2027

Email: lucnich@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: Metamora, Ohio

I wanted to be more involved here on campus, 我认为这将是一个很好的方式来建立人际关系,更好地了解卫生与人类服务学院.

I chose dietetics because I have always been interested in nutrition and movement of the body; however, I also previously struggled with food and eating. Because of these factors, I thought dietetics would perfectly fit my values and aspirations. In the future, I primarily hope to work with eating disorder patients, but am also interested in sports nutrition.  Outside of school I love to work out, be outdoors, play with my two dogs, and read!

Isabella O Daniel

Major: Applied Health Science

Expected Graduation Date: April 2025

Email: isabelo@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: Arcanum, Ohio

我加入大使计划是因为我想更多地参与健康与人类服务学院的工作, build connections with faculty and students on a deeper level, and to have the opportunity to make an impact on the college itself.

我选择这个专业作为职业治疗的预备专业,希望有一天能把我对马的热爱和帮助人们结合起来,成为一名hippotherapist. 到目前为止,我已经展示了十年的马匹,并且作为鲍灵格林马术队的一员,我将继续在大学水平上展示马匹. Outside of going to school and showing horses, I love to go to the gym, visit new coffee shops, read, and watch a good movie or TV series!

Paige Rothlisberger

Major: Healthcare Administration

Expected Graduation Date: May 2024

Email: prothli@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: Arlington, Ohio

领导和参与一直是我的核心价值观,担任大使确实包含了所有这些. While being an ambassador, I am directly involved in the College of Health and Human Services, and there is always potential for leadership opportunities.

I chose healthcare administration because I always knew I wanted to be a part of the healthcare field. I was never the best at sciences and biology, but I still had an interest in both subjects as well as my overall well-being. Leadership has always been a strong suit of mine, and I believe healthcare administration will help me use my love for sciences, well-being, and teamwork to benefit the lives of patients. The prospect of making a positive impact on those in need motivates every step of this journey, turning it into a heartfelt commitment rather than just a career choice.

Kassidy Stanford

Major: Applied Health Science (Pre-PA)

Expected Graduation Date: April 2025

Email: stanfok@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: Bucyrus, Ohio

我喜欢与未来的学生和他们的家人交谈,帮助他们在BGSU和健康与人类服务学院找到自己的位置. I know that choosing a school can be overwhelming, 我认为我们作为大使的工作可以减轻一些压力,帮助学生找到自己的归属,做出自信的决定. Working with the college’s faculty, staff, and students is very rewarding and I am proud to represent our College through the ambassador program.

Kassidy is a 2021 graduate of Wynford High School, where she participated in a variety of extracurriculars and clubs, and her county’s junior fair and 4H organizations. Since coming to BGSU, she has been involved in the Falcon Leadership Institute,  AMWA, Pre-PA club, peer mentoring,  Circle K International, and the Thompson Scholarship Program. Along with a major in applied health science, she is pursuing a minor in health promotion.

Talaya Warren

Major: Medical Laboratory Science

Expected Graduation Date: April 2026

Email: wtalaya@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: Toledo, Ohio

I joined the ambassador program to get more involved with HHS, establish new connections, and network with individuals in my major or similar fields.

我很快就会申请我的MLS项目,并热切地期待着所有的机会. Additionally, I am always happy to assist others in any way I can.

Lukas Wise

Major: Applied Health Science

Expected Graduation Date: April 2024

Email: wclukas@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: Powell, Ohio

我选择加入大使项目是为了与他人分享我对健康科学的热情和我所走的道路. I also wanted to help students who aren’t entirely sure what course they want to follow, because that’s hard to know at the end of high school.

我选择这个专业是因为我喜欢跨学科的课程,它能让我学到全面的技能,并帮助别人. I hope to continue my education in a doctoral program in bioinformatics or joining the work force. As for hobbies I love hiking & biking!

Sarah Witt

Major: Medical Laboratory Sciences

Expected Graduation Date: May 2026

Email: smwitt@bjqzgy.com

Hometown: Olmstead Falls, Ohio

我参加大使项目是因为我想与卫生与公众服务部的教职员工一起工作,认识更多我所在学院专业的人. I wanted to start feeling connected to my major and my school as soon as possible, and ambassadors has not only helped make me feel like I belong at BGSU, 而且还帮助我与未来的学生分享这种联系,希望他们也能把BGSU当作自己的家.

I am a Medical Lab Sciences major with a Spanish minor. I have loved science all my life, and I knew that it was something I wanted to go into for a career, but I did not know exactly how that would look. I discovered MLS as a senior in high school, and I have been hooked ever since! 我想在一个专注于生物科学的实验室工作,同时也对人们的生活产生积极的影响, and this major allows me to do so. I have also studied Spanish for about six years now, and I knew I wanted to continue this passion into college. At BGSU, I am a member of the BGSU Falconettes Dance Team, Honors College Ambassadors, and I am a Presidential Scholar.



Dermot Forde

  • Position: Administrator - Progression, Planning and Retention
  • Phone: 419-372-0496
  • Email: dforde@bjqzgy.com
  • Address: 104 Health and Human Services Building

Updated: 03/01/2024 01:04PM