

的 mission of the BGSU言语听力诊所 is to provide diagnostic and remedial clinical experiences for students, consistent with the standards of the American 演讲-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and the State of Ohio Board of 演讲-Language Pathology and Audiology (OBSLPA), 并提供诊断和补救语言, 语言, 以及为市民及大学提供听力服务, 符合ASHA和OBSLPA标准.



 现在提供 助听器的好处 to BGSU employees and their dependents, and to retirees and their spouses. 


位于托莱多以南30分钟, 在俄亥俄州博天堂官方网站的校园里, the BGSU言语听力诊所 offers state-of-the-art diagnostic and 治疗性言语,语言和听力服务,同时作为一个 硕士和博士级语言培训设施 病理学家. 这家诊所对公众开放,老少皆可.  

专业经验丰富的教师和临床医生 员工都有国家执照和国家语言认证 病理学家和听力学家. 在这些专业人员的监督下, enthusiastic graduate students receive valuable academic 以及临床经验.

特定的项目 & 服务

演讲 & 听到诊所

的 BGSU言语听力诊所 offers state-of-the-art diagnostic and 治疗性言语,语言和听力服务,同时作为一个 硕士和博士级语言培训设施 病理学家.

专业经验丰富的教师和临床医生 员工都有国家执照和国家语言认证 病理学家和听力学家. 在这些监督下 professionals, enthusiastic graduate students receive valuable academic 以及临床经验.

BGSU言语听力诊所 provides evaluation and treatment of infants, 孩子们, and adults who 表现出广泛的沟通关注. 这些担忧包括 与失语,失用症,自闭症,创伤相关的沟通问题 brain injury, 颅面障碍, 外国口音, 口吃, voice 障碍、阅读、组织、写作困难等 言语和语言发育迟缓和障碍.

演讲 & 听到诊所

BGSU言语听力诊所 offers state-of-the-art diagnostic and 治疗性言语,语言和听力服务,同时作为一个 硕士和博士级语言培训设施 病理学家.

专业经验丰富的教师和临床医生 员工都有国家执照和国家语言认证 病理学家和听力学家. 在这些专业人员的监督下, enthusiastic graduate students receive valuable academic 以及临床经验.

BGSU言语听力诊所 provides evaluation and treatment of infants, 孩子们, 以及表现出广泛沟通问题的成年人. 这些担忧包括 与失语,失用症,自闭症,创伤相关的沟通问题 brain injury, 颅面障碍, 外国口音, 口吃, voice 障碍、阅读、组织、写作困难等 言语和语言发育迟缓和障碍.


的 诊所的工作人员有执照和认证听力学家,以及 语言病理学家. SLP博天堂官方网站生也在工作 受监管的诊所. 听力学诊所提供了广泛的范围 的诊断 & 治疗服务包括:

  • 全面的诊断性听力测试
  •  Selling and repairing hearing aids (specializing in the latest digital technology)
  •  销售助听器电池
  • Selling assistive listening devices like TV Ears, smoke detectors, alarm clocks & 放大的手机.

访问 the 听力学诊所 webpage to perform a hearing self-test and find 与您的听力受损人士沟通的提示 生活.


的 划船诊所 serves both 孩子们 and adults who struggle with 阅读, 组织技能, 和/或写作. Both school-age students and college students can arrange for comprehensive assessments as well as therapy services through this clinic. 另外, 语言病理学家可以得到咨询服务, 老师, and other professionals who work closely with individuals who struggle with 阅读, 写作, 和/或组织能力.


拼写链接/Learning by Design公司 is a multi-linguistic, metalinguistic approach to structured literacy intervention. It uses a speech-to-print word study approach with a basis on the brain’s innate biological wiring and organization for oral 语言 development. It differs from other 阅读 programs because it first helps learners to attend to the sound of spoken English words and then teaches them how to connect and combine sounds (phonology), letter patterns (orthography and mental orthographic images) and meanings (semantics and morphology) to read, 拼写和书写.

拼写链接到阅读和写作 是基于当前的阅读科学博天堂官方网站吗. This structured literacy curriculum helps our clients build literacy by developing, connecting and integrating the different processes and regions of the brain involved in 阅读 and 写作 effectively.


声音诊所提供声音障碍的评估和治疗, 包括嘶哑/沙哑/喘气的声音, 声音紧张/应变, 喉炎, 不适当的距, 声带麻痹, 声带结节, 喉头切除术, 等. Special emphasis is available for problems with the performing voice such as singers or professional speakers.


的 DaZy Aphasia Program offers group and/or individual sessions for people with communication problems following stroke or brain injury.


的 Telemed Ultrasound System with Echo Wave II Scanning Software can be used for a variety of applications for many speech production errors.  超声波系统提供的视觉反馈, 再加上临床医生的专业知识, 已被证明对/r/.  的 use of ultrasound for speech production is recommended for those over the age of eight.  


的 同行® program is world-renowned for providing evidence-based social skills treatment to preschoolers, 青少年, 以及患有自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的年轻人, 注意缺陷/多动障碍, 焦虑, 抑郁症, 以及其他社会情感问题. 首先在加州大学洛杉矶分校由Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson and expanded to locations in more than 70 countries, 同行®是一种父母/照顾者辅助的, 12-16-weeks social awareness education for individuals with social challenges.



Social skill awareness education and intervention for motivated young adults ages 18- 35 who are interested in learning how people make and maintain friendships. 社会辅导是用来最大化学习机会的. Group sessions involve explicit teaching of different aspects of interaction and participants are given opportunities to practice.



话题包括:让某人知道你喜欢他, 选择合适的人约会, 邀请某人约会, 接受拒绝, 拒绝某人, 计划和进行约会, 约会该做什么和不该做什么, 处理来自合作伙伴的压力


青少年同行® is for motivated teens in middle and high school who are interested in learning new ways of making and keeping friends. 在每个小组会议期间, teens are taught important social skills and are given the opportunity to practice these skills in session during socialization activities. Parents attend separate sessions at the same time and are taught how to assist their teens in making and keeping friends by helping to expand their teen’s social network and providing feedback through coaching during weekly socialization homework assignments. 需要家长参与.
